Write  sentences with much and many according to the pictures.

Let´s fill out  these sentences.

Let´s find the Comparatives and Superlatives

Let´s review Tag Questions

Video time

Watch the following video and identify the different material that the Little Pigs used to make their houses.

Time to play

1. Click in the following link and have fun practicing the vocabulary from the class.


2. Open the next Power Point presentation and practice the tag questions, we worked in class.

Tag questions
Download the file to your personal computer and answer the questions on slide 2; after that check your answers on the slide 3.
Adobe Acrobat Document 163.4 KB

Reading time

All types of homes
Download the text to your personal computer and take some minutes to write the unknown vocabulary on your English notebook and look for their meaningns.
All types of homes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB

Writing time!

Download the  next file to your personal computer and then you can practice how to write sentences. In class, we can share some of the answers.

Writing sentences.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB

Past Experiences

Video Time

Watch the following video and practice how to use the present perfect.

Time to Play

Would you like to play basketball and practice for your English class at the same time?. Click on the following link to do it. Have fun!
